On August 17th and 18th I will be learning Trigger Point Therapy specifically for headaches, jaw pain and TMJ. When I went for my check up at Parkside Family Dental, Dr. Graboviy and I talked about massage therapy and its treatment of TMJ. I was super excited that a doctor knew of and was speaking about muscles as a cause of dysfunction. That’s BIG! I always knew he was a good dentist and our conversation was reaffirming that.
We discussed him referring patients to me for TMJ and other jaw pain. Although I know the effectiveness of Trigger Point Therapy with ALL muscle pain, I am not that schooled on areas of pain in the face. All other parts of the body, but not there. So I decided to take a class specifically for this area of the body. And it’s being taught by a person I have taken a class with in the past and found her to be a great teacher and practitioner.
I told my dentist that I would take the course and get back with him. I want to make sure I feel confident that I can effectively treat people with TMJ before agreeing to take them on. Who knows how this will pan out. I don’t want to work exclusively on people with TMJ and jaw problems (I still want my work to focus on prevention rather than cure), but it could be exciting to problem solve in a way that I don’t currently do. At the very least, I will be better prepared to help my current clients with headaches and other face pain, which is exactly what I want in my work…..to help people feel better in their body so they can live the life they want!
Oh, and since the workshop is on a weekend (as they always are…..my busiest days of the week) and my days off are Thursdays and Fridays, Stuart and I will be going up early so that we can enjoy a few days of Chicago before my workshop begins.