Q: What is EFT Tapping?
A: It’s psychological acupressure. It involves tapping specific points on the body in a particular sequence while focusing on the issue you are wanting to resolve. The true cause of all negative emotions, says Gary Craig, founder of EFT Tapping, is in the body’s energy system. It is assumed that the memory of a traumatic event is the cause of emotional upset in someone, but it is not. There is a missing step between the memory and the emotional upset which is in the disruption in the body’s energy system. It’s the disruption that is the direct cause of the emotional upset. If the memory doesn’t cause a disruption in the body’s energy system, then the negative emotion can’t occur. That is why some people are bothered by their memories and others are not. The difference is that some people’s energy systems tend to become imbalanced under such a memory, while others’ energy systems do not.
Q: What kinds of issues can I use it for?
A: Absolutely anything and everything you would like to see changed in yourself, whether it be emotional, psychological or physical, including performance issues. Just a few examples would be anxiety with anything, physical pain that won’t seem to go away and there’s no medical reason for it, procrastination, the inability to say or do something and you feel held back, fear of flying, driving, birds or the inability to touch plastic, long held sadness, resentment, or anger towards someone or the inability to curb cravings for food, alcohol, shopping, social media etc. The list goes on forever.
Q: What are the tapping points?
A: You always begin with the set up statement on the side of the hand (pinky side), then move to the top of the head, beginning of the eyebrow, side of the eye, under the eye, under the nose, cleft of the chin, collar bone and under the armpit on the ribs. Under the nipple and wrist can also be included.
Q: How many times should I tap on each spot?
A: 7-10 times but there is no need to count. It will be effective if you stay in the ballpark. The exception is the side of the hand, when you say your set up statement 3 times while tapping.
Q: How long should I tap?
A: Before you begin tapping, rate the intensity of the issue 0-10; 0 being no intensity and 10 being extremely intense. Continue tapping until the intensity is down to a level 1 or 0. This sometimes only takes a few minutes.
Q: Can I tap on my own?
A: Absolutely and it is recommended. The more you tap, the better you feel. Just follow the format. EFT Tapping works particularly well on your own for issues that you are having in this very moment. For example, if you are feeling fear, anger or sadness, Tapping can calm those emotions so that you won’t be so overwhelmed. You can use this script to help you.
Q: How do I know when I should use a practitioner?
A: If you’ve been Tapping on your own and not getting the results that you want. A practitioner can ask questions and guide you in a way that gets to the core of this issue. You might also get better results when it’s a complex or difficult issue (like low self-esteem or abuse) and you want more support and a different perspective.
Q: How do you feel better without reliving an event?
A: Talking about the issue in depth can actually be more traumatizing without even bringing relief. Logic and words do not always help a person feel better. In fact, the primitive part of your brain, the amygdala, has you reacting before the rational part of your brain, the prefrontal cortex, even receives information. By Tapping, you can change the information your brain receives in the first place, which changes the way it reacts.
Q: How can EFT Tapping really work if it is so simple?
A: We have been taught and accept the idea that growth and change doesn’t happen unless we improve the way we think or change our behavior and attitude. The intensity of “getting over” something does not have to equal the intensity of living with the problem. Sometimes, the problem is in our body (energy system) not our heads. Tapping changes the way our body perceives and processes an issue which then changes it in our brain. Your thinking will change as a result of your energy shift.
Q: Can I use EFT Tapping with other modalities?
A: Yes! It works well with ALL healing modalities without conflict or confusion. In fact, it is sometimes recommended that a person work with multiple modalities. This is a must in cases of disease, mental illness and some other issues. While EFT Tapping is quite effective, it is used with, not in place of a medical doctor or mental health professional.