Stuart (my husband) and I will be going to Loretto, KY, during my birthday week (June 11-15) for a SILENT, five day retreat together! We did it last year and it was so beneficial that we want to make it an annual event. Since we both meditate daily, it just made sense for us to create a personal retreat for ourselves, together. And it is such a beautiful, peaceful place to be.
We decide on our daily schedule ahead of time so that we have the structure needed to pull this off. Last year it consisted of spiritual reading, silent walking meditation, shared reading, an exercise period, individual time on our own, meals and sitting meditation- all with start and end times next to them. It’s amazing how transformative, healing and connecting such an experience can be.
Taking care of myself so that I can take better care of you!
I am so happy to be turning 50 because I am becoming the kind of person that I have wanted to be for a long time. I am able to show up in the world in a way that feels authentic and worthwhile and that brings me great joy and satisfaction. I can remember from my mid twenties on, I couldn’t wait until I turned 45, which seems a bit strange. But now I know why! That is the age I was when my life really began shifting. I feel settled and skillful, but always open and wanting to learn and grow more.
Are you overdue on your recharge?
Budgeting time and money for therapeutic massage at consistent intervals is truly an investment in your health.
Add self care to the kids’ activities this summer! Parents make sure their children are involved in activities that shape them, but what about health care? Learning to take care of yourself with massage is an important lesson to teach children as well. Buy a package for the summer and family members can share sessions for a length that suites each person. During a 90 minute session, one person may want 45 minutes, another 30 minutes and another 15 minutes. Decide what suites your family best. Everyone is happy and healthy!